About us

Jonathan and Anne served for 13 years as senior pastors of a PAOC Church in Drummondville, Quebec, after pastoring for 7 years in France. Dr. Bersot was also the Academic Dean of the Institut Biblique du Québec (IBQ) from 2011 to 2020 (ibq.ca). Currently Jonathan serves as :
- président of Institut Biblique du Québec
- teacher at West Africa Advanced School of Theology in Lome and Kinshasa (extension center)
- teacher at IBQ and Laval University
- teacher for doctoral program with PAThS (Pan Africa Theological Seminary)
- Thesis coordinator for the french program of PhD and Dmin
The Need
For fifty years WAAST, an international school in Lomé, Togo, in West Africa, has served all French-speaking Africans as well as English and French speakers in West and Central Africa. WAAST’s mission is to train Africa’s church leaders to accomplish missio dei, the mission of God.
By training the trainers of the church leaders, its Bible School directors and teachers, multitudes are directly or indirectly impacted with the missionary message.
Jonathan’s ministry at WAAST which began in 2009, has impacted over 600,000 Christians by training leaders who, in turn ,teach in local churches and bible schools.
By your supporting Jonathan and Anne Bersot’s ministry at WAAST, you facilitate the training and equipping of many church leaders from French-speaking countries for a strategic mission on the continent.

Jonathan and Anne have been trained to the highest level for this mission. They also have solid experience in pastoral ministry and theological teaching.
Jonathan and Anne respond to God’s call by prioritizing his mission for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in French-speaking Africa.
Jonathan and Anne have proven themselves by teaching multitudes on various Christian media as well as small groups of young people preparing for ministry or experienced pastors seeking to deepen their knowledge.

Rev. Jonathan Bersot, PhD
MA (Th), M.Éd
- Lead pastor for 20 years
- Adjunct Faculty in Togo since 2009
- Academic Dean at IBQ (2011 – 2020)
- Executive Director at EMCI TV (2017 – 2020)
- President of IBQ (2020 – present)
- Thesis coordinator for PAThs (2021 – present)

Rev. Anne Bersot
MA (Th), M.Sc
- In Ministry for 20 years
- PAOC Ordained Minister
- Chief Editor for Top féminin (2003 – 2007)
- Writer for the website Top Chrétien
- TV columnist at EMCI TV (2014 –
- Translator (English to French)